Our History

Our History

Mother Iola M. Oglesby-Lewis

Mother Iola M. Oglesby-Lewis

Founder of the Church of God in Christ in Mansfield, Ohio

The story of Mother Iola Oglesby-Lewis begins in 1906, when her sister, Carrie Lindsay, attended a holiness church service in Little Rock, Arkansas, despite their father’s objections. During this service, Carrie received the baptism of the Holy Ghost and spoke in tongues for 24 hours. This marked the beginning of a spiritual journey that would forever impact Iola's life.

Shortly after, God revealed to Jacob Oglesby that Iola was to be his wife, and through divine confirmation, the two married. Together, they traveled as evangelists, spreading the Gospel with their young child in tow. After Jacob’s passing, Iola relocated to Mansfield, Ohio, in early 1927 with her two children, Jacob Jr. and Hattie.

On May 15, 1927, recognizing the need for a holiness church, Mother Iola established the first Church of God in Christ in Mansfield. Alongside her sister Carrie and other faithful believers, she prayed fervently for the church’s growth. God answered their prayers, directing many prominent evangelists, including Bishop Charles Harrison Mason, founder of the Church of God in Christ, to their congregation. Revivals, prayer meetings, and healing services were held at 221 N. Diamond St., where Iola and her children lived above the church.

In 1936, Iola married Rev. Wm. Lewis, and the couple relocated to Youngstown, Ohio. The church she founded thrived, with dedicated members remaining to carry the ministry forward.

Elder L.G. Maddox

Elder L.G. Maddox

A Visionary Leader (1945-1978)

Elder L. G. Maddox was born on September 6, 1899, in Milledgeville, Georgia. In 1922, he moved to Cleveland, Ohio, where he became a member of the Church of God in Christ under under Bishop Mack E. Jonas's leadership.

In 1935, Elder Maddox was appointed to the newly created position of State Sunday School Superintendent for the COGIC organization, a role he faithfully served until his passing. He pursued theological studies at the Cleveland Bible Institute, specializing in Sunday School Administration, Pedagogy, and Bible Doctrine.

Answering the call to ministry in 1944, Elder Maddox was appointed as the pastor of the Church of God in Christ in Mansfield in August 1945. At his appointment, the congregation consisted of only eight members.

Under his leadership, the original storefront church on Diamond Street was torn down, and construction of a new church began in 1947. With the dedication and support of members and friends, the new sanctuary was completed in 1949. As the church continued to grow, additional expansion was needed. In 1961, an adjacent property was purchased, increasing the church's total floor space to 6,160 square feet. The church, later named Temple of Faith COGIC, expanded its outreach ministry by launching a weekly radio broadcast.

Temple of Faith was located in The Flats, a neighborhood known for high crime and social challenges within the Black community. Despite this, the church became a spiritual refuge for the weary and lost, providing hope and guidance to those in need.

Elder L. G. Maddox faithfully pastored Temple of Faith for 33 years and served as Superintendent of the Ohio North State Sunday School for 43 years. He passed away on November 1, 1978.

Temple of Faith remained on Diamond Street until the city acquired the land for an urban renewal project. A new sanctuary was later built on Walker Lake Road, where the church continues to honor the legacy of Elder L. G. Maddox.

Superintendent Aaron Williams Sr.

Superintendent Aaron Williams Sr.

Commited to Build (1978-2016)

On the first Sunday in October 1960, Elder Williams preached his first sermon, marking his official call to the ministry. In 1963, he followed the Lord’s leading and moved to East Orange, New Jersey, where he enrolled at Manhattan Bible School and earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Theology.

In 1971, Pastor Williams established the "Community Christian Fellowship" in his home, which later became known as The Bible Way Church of God in Christ. Under his leadership, the ministry grew and eventually moved into a beautiful, debt-free edifice. Pastor Williams faithfully served this congregation for 33 years.

On December 8, 1978, Pastor Williams was called to lead the Temple of Faith Church of God in Christ in Mansfield, Ohio. Over 37 years of dedicated service, he led the congregation through two relocations, culminating in the construction of a 1.5-million-dollar sanctuary. Throughout his tenure, he was known for his spiritual leadership, community engagement, and impactful ministry. In addition to his pastoral work, Superintendent Williams served as District Superintendent for the Mansfield District and held various leadership roles in the Ohio North First Jurisdiction. He passed away on April 15, 2017, leaving an enduring legacy in the church and the community.

Pastor Aaron Williams Jr.

Pastor Aaron Williams Jr.

Leading Today

Today, Maddox Memorial Church of God in Christ is led by Pastor Aaron Williams Jr., who was appointed to succeed his father in ministry on September 4, 2016. Born on June 5, 1969, in Newark, New Jersey, he has faithfully served the church in various capacities, including trustee, praise and worship leader, public relations coordinator, and as a member of the Clergy staff.

Alongside his wife, Latonda D. Williams, and their children, Pastor Williams continues to uphold the legacy of faith, service, and dedication established before him. Under his leadership, Maddox Memorial remains a beacon of hope, committed to healing the sick, saving the lost, and expanding God’s kingdom in Mansfield and beyond.